Chapter 7 About Munawalah[1] and the Writing of Knowledge to Residents of Various Countries
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![Chapter 7 About Munawalah[1] and the Writing of Knowledge by Experts of Knowledge to Residents of Various Countries Chapter 7 About Munawalah[1] and the Writing of Knowledge by Experts of Knowledge to Residents of Various Countries](
(From the audio recording of the study of the book of Sahih Bukhari by the presenter al Ustadz Muhammad Afifuddin hafizhahullah)
٦٤- حدثنا إسماعيل بن عبدالله قال : حدثني إبراهيم بن سعد ، عن صالح ، عـن ابـن شهاب ، عن عبيدالله بن عبدالله بن عتبة بن مسعود : أن عبدالله بن عباس أخبره : أن رسول اللہ ﷺ بعث بكتابه رجلا ، وأمره أن يدفعه إلى عظيم البحرين ، فدفعه عظيم البحرين إلى كسرى ، فلما قرأه مزّقه ، فحسبت أن ابن المسيب قال : فدعا عليهم رسول الله ﷺ أن يمزقوا كل ممزق
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah sent someone with his writings . He ordered him to hand over the writing to the Bahraini authorities. Then the Bahraini authorities handed the writing to Kisra. When Kisra read it, she tore it up.
انظر: ۱۲۹۳۹
As I recall, Ibn Al-Musayyab said: Then the Messenger of Allah prayed for badness for them so that they would be torn apart.
Lessons from the 64th Hadith
+ It is permissible for mukatabah (narration by writing) and munawalah (handover of writings) from the sentence "The Messenger of Allah sent someone with his writings".
+ It is permissible to appoint an envoy for the interest of a person, whether related to the state or private.
+ Da'wah of the Prophet to the authorities through a message or letter.
+ The bureaucratic system is an acceptable matter among the disbelievers, namely when someone has a need with a leader, he must first go through his subordinates and cannot go directly to the leader.
Meanwhile in the Nabawi system, anyone who has a need with a leader can meet directly without having to go through bureaucracy as explained in the 63rd hadith.
+ When dealing with parties who implement a bureaucratic system, it is permissible to follow this method. This is like what the Prophet did when he wanted to deliver a letter to Kisra but through the Bahraini authorities first.
+ Da'wah does not always have to be accepted by the party being preached.
+ It is permissible to appoint someone as katib (secretary) where the Messenger of Allah can neither read nor write. Or if it is interpreted that the Prophet himself wrote, then it shows his miracle.
+ It is permissible to give suggestions to the leader.
+ The complexity of the bureaucracy of the Roman and Persian kings.
+ It is permissible to follow the bureaucracy if it is necessary as did the Prophet .
+ It is permissible for a man to use a ring made of silver.
+ It is permissible to make stamps if needed.
+ Stamp of Rasulullah engraved with his name Muhammad Rasulullah.
+ The stamp ring was worn on the hands of the Prophet . In a narration, it is explained that his ring was worn by his left hand on the ring finger where the eye of the ring was facing downwards.
[1] Munawalah is handing over writing to someone to be conveyed to other people
+ It is permissible to appoint an envoy for the interest of a person, whether related to the state or private.
+ Da'wah of the Prophet to the authorities through a message or letter.
+ The bureaucratic system is an acceptable matter among the disbelievers, namely when someone has a need with a leader, he must first go through his subordinates and cannot go directly to the leader.
Meanwhile in the Nabawi system, anyone who has a need with a leader can meet directly without having to go through bureaucracy as explained in the 63rd hadith.
+ When dealing with parties who implement a bureaucratic system, it is permissible to follow this method. This is like what the Prophet did when he wanted to deliver a letter to Kisra but through the Bahraini authorities first.
+ Da'wah does not always have to be accepted by the party being preached.
حدثنا محمد بن مقاتل أبو الحسن : أخبرنا عبدالله قال : أخبرنا شعبة ، عن قتادة ، عن أنس بن مالك قال : كتب النبي ﷺ كتابا - أو أراد أن يكتب - فقيل له : إنهم لا يقرءون كتابا إلا مختوما ، فاتخذ خاتما من فضة ، نقشه محمد رسول الله ، كأني انظر إلى بياضه في يده فقلت لقتادة : من قال نقشه محمد رسول الله ؟ قال : أنس
From Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu he said: "The Prophet wrote a book or he wanted to write. So it was suggested to him: "Indeed they (the Romans) do not want to read a message (letter) except that which is stamped."
[ أخرجه مسلم: ۲۰۹۲]
So the Messenger of Allah made a ring of silver with the engraving of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah. It was as if I (Anas bin Malik) saw the whiteness of the ring on his hand ﷺ.
Lessons From the 65th Hadith
+ It is permissible to munawalah (submit writing to someone to be conveyed to others) and Mukatabah (writing) in narration.+ It is permissible to appoint someone as katib (secretary) where the Messenger of Allah can neither read nor write. Or if it is interpreted that the Prophet himself wrote, then it shows his miracle.
+ It is permissible to give suggestions to the leader.
+ The complexity of the bureaucracy of the Roman and Persian kings.
+ It is permissible to follow the bureaucracy if it is necessary as did the Prophet .
+ It is permissible for a man to use a ring made of silver.
+ It is permissible to make stamps if needed.
+ Stamp of Rasulullah engraved with his name Muhammad Rasulullah.
+ The stamp ring was worn on the hands of the Prophet . In a narration, it is explained that his ring was worn by his left hand on the ring finger where the eye of the ring was facing downwards.
[1] Munawalah is handing over writing to someone to be conveyed to other people
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