Chapter 10 Knowledge Before Words and Act

(From the audio recording of the study of the book of Sahih Bukhari by the presenter al Ustadz Muhammad Afifuddin hafizhahullah)
لقول الله تعالى: «فاعلم أنه لا إله إلا الله (محمد: ۱۹)
Based on Allah's word: "Know!, that there is no god (who has the right to be worshiped) except Allah" (Surah Muhammad verse 19).
فبدأ بالعلم
In this verse Allah starts with knowledge.
[See lesson 1]
وأن العلماء هم ورثة الأنبياء ، ورثوا العلم ، من أخذه أخذ بحظ وافر ، ومن سلك طريقا يطلب به علما سهل الله له طريقا إلى الجنة » .
And indeed the scholars, they are the inheritors of the prophets. They (the Prophets) inherited knowledge, so whoever takes that knowledge (religious knowledge) means that he has taken a perfect share. And whoever follows a path by which he seeks knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Paradise.
[See lessons 2-6]
وقال جل ذكره: «إنما يخشى اللـه مـن عبـاده العلماء [ فاطر: ۲۸]
And Allah, who is exalted, says:: "Indeed, those who fear (khosyah) of Allah from among His servants are only the scholars." (Surah Fathir verse 28)
[See lesson 7-9]
وقال: «وما يعقلها إلا العالمون [ العنكبوت: ٤٣]
And Allah also said: "And no one understands it (examples in the Qur'an) except those who are knowledgeable" (Surah al 'Ankabut verse 43)
[See lesson 10]
وقالوا لو كنا نسمع أو نعقل ما كنا في أصحاب السعيره [ الملك: ١٠] .
And they say, if we had heard and understood, we would not be among the inhabitants of hell now. (Sura al Mulk verse 10)
[See lesson 11-13]
وقال: «هـل يستوي الذين يعلمون والذين لا يعلمون [ الزمر: 9 ]
And Allah also said: "Are those who have knowledge and those who are not knowledgeable alike?" (Surat az Zumar verse 9)
[See lesson 14]
وقال النبي ﷺ : « من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه . راجع: ۷۱]
And the Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever Allah wills for him goodness, then Allah will make him understand (regarding religious matters).
و «إنما العلم بالتعلم» .
and "Indeed knowledge is achieved by studying it"
[See lesson 15-17]
وقال أبو ذر: لو وضعتم الصمصامة على هـذه - وأشار إلى قفاه - ثم ظننت أني أنفذ كلمة سمعتها من النبي قبل أن تجيزوا علي لأنفذتها .
Abu Dharr al Ghifari (Jundub bin Junadah) radhiyallahu 'anhu said: "Suppose you put a sharp sword on this (and he pointed at the nape of the neck). Then I thought that I might be able to convey a sentence that I heard from the Prophet before you cut off my head, then I will convey the sentence."
[See lesson 18-21]
وقال ابن عباس : «كونوا ربانيين [ آل عمران: ۷۹]: حكماء فقهاء ، ويقال : الرباني الذي يربي الناس بصغار العلم قبل كباره .
And Ibn Abbas radhiyallahu anhuma said: "Be you people who are Rabbani, have wisdom, and are faqih (understanding syar'i knowledge). And it is said that a Rabbani is one who educates the people with basic knowledge before discussing the differences and details of knowledge.
[See lesson 22-23]
+1 The command to be knowledgeable before someone says and act, indicated by the beginning of the verse with the sentence فاعلم: know! (learn!).
So that all words and acts must be based on sharia knowledge.
+2 The great virtue for the scholars because they are the inheritors of the prophets and shows that the scholars are people who are very close to the prophets. Where the heirs are people who are very close to the person who inherits.
+3 Everyone should be more passionate about getting the inheritance of the Prophets (religious knowledge) than they are in getting a share of the inheritance from their parents. This is because religious knowledge is far more valuable than worldly treasures.
+4 The virtue of rihlah (taking the journey) to seek knowledge. Taking the journey referred to in the hadith can have real meaning, namely by walking or taking a vehicle to go to the assembly of knowledge or the place where knowledge is learned. While taking the journey meaningfully is all efforts to gain knowledge, among others in the form of reading, memorizing, writing, repeating the lessons, and listening to knowledge, also all the things by which someone can gain knowledge.
+5 There are two conveniences that Allah gives to seekers of knowledge, namely ease in this world and ease in the hereafter. The conveniences in the world include:
- Allah makes it easy for him to get the knowledge he wants to achieve.
- Allah gives taufiq and guidance to practice his knowledge.
- Allah will open the doors of other knowledge that has not yet formed in his mind.
As for the convenience in the hereafter, one of them is that Allah makes it easy to cross the Siroth bridge which is stretched between 2 hells, whose end is Allah's paradise.
+6 These virtues are given to people who study knowledge sincerely and practice it to worship Allah. Not for other interests such as fame or other worldly matters.
+7 Surah Fathir verse 28 shows the virtues of the scholars where in that verse Allah praises that they are ahlul khosyah (those who fear Allah). What is meant by scholars are those who know Allah (ma'rifatullah) by His noble names, His high attributes, and His rights and also they understand the Shari'ah law and then practice it.
+8 From Surah Fathir verse 28, Imam Ahmad postulates that the basis of knowledge is khosyatullah (fear of Allah). Several other scholars also said that knowledge is not what is called with many narrations and writings (books), but knowledge is khosyatullah (fear of Allah).
+9 There are 2 kinds of knowledge, the first is that which brings the owner to khosyatullah and this is knowledge that is useful and will serve as evidence to defend the owner. The second is knowledge that is only spoken and does not lead its owner to fear Allah. This knowledge will be a disaster for its owner.
+10 Surah al 'Ankabut verse 43 also shows the virtue of the scholars where it is stated that they are the ones who understand the examples made by Allah in the Qur'an..
+11 Surah al Mulk verse 10 shows the virtue of knowledge where knowledge is what the inhabitants of hell dream of. They regret that they do not have knowledge while in the world.
+12 Surah al Mulk verse 10 also shows that by having syar'i knowledge, a person has taken the causes to save himself from hell.
+13 Surah al Mulk verse 10 also shows that turning away from knowledge (not wanting to hear, understand and study it) is one of the reasons a person deviates and ends up going to hell.
+14 Surah az Zumar verse 9 shows the superiority of the scholars, it is shown from Allah's question by comparing people who have knowledge and those who are not knowledgeable, which are certainly not the same..
+15 Hadith من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه shows that people who study syar'i knowledge and try to understand it, is a sign that Allah wills goodness for them. On the other hand, if there are people who do not understand their religion and are not given syar'i knowledge by Allah, it means that Allah does not want goodness for them.
+16 The hadith من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه shows the virtue of understanding syar'i knowledge, which is a sign of goodness for those who do it. Al Hafizh Ibn Hajar said that what is meant by al fiqh is understanding the laws of Shari'ah.
+17 In the complete hadith from إنما العلم بالتعلم there is a command of the Prophet ﷺ to all mankind to study syar'i knowledge. So this hadith shows everyone's obligation to seek knowledge throughout their life.
+18 The companions of the Prophet were seriously and enthusiastic in conveying knowledge from the Prophet ﷺ
+19 Allah moved the companions of the Messenger of Allah to be the cause of the preservation of Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet so that it reaches mankind at this time in a clean and intact condition, not polluted by people who change it.
+20 People who convey knowledge from the Prophet will surely face obstacles and trials so that sacrifices are required from him and this is a decree from Allah.
+21 This is a preparation for someone who enters the field of da'wah because he must be ready to be tested, hindered, and hostile. This is also a solace because these tests and obstacles have befallen people who are much better than him, namely from among the Prophets and other righteous people.
+22 A person who spreads da'wah should pay attention to the people who receive the da'wah. If the people who receives the da'wah is a common people (does not understand religious matters), then he conveys the principles of religion, aqidah, monotheism, matters agreed upon by the scholars and the evidence is clear from the verses and hadiths. As for the people who receive da'wah, their knowledge level has increased, then it is conveyed according to their level of understanding.
+23 A person who spreads da'wah must have a qualified and mature knowledge provision. If da'wah is not based on knowledge, then there will be greater damage than improving the condition of the people.
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