Chapter 6 Reading and Exposing the Readings to Ahlul Hadith ('Ardhul qiro'ah [1])
![Chapter 6 Reading and Exposing the Readings to Ahlul Hadith ('Ardhul qiro'ah [1]) Chapter 6 Reading and Exposing the Readings to Ahlul Hadith ('Ardhul qiro'ah [1])](
(From the audio recording of the study of the book of Sahih Bukhari by the presenter al Ustadz Muhammad Afifuddin hafizhahullah)
ورأى الحسن والثوري ومالك القراءة جائزة .
al Hasan (al Bashri), Sufyan (ats Thauri), and Imam Malik have the opinion that al Qiro'ah is permissible.
واحتج بعضهم في القراءة على العالم بحديث ضمام ابن ثعلبة، قال للنبي ﷺ : الله أمرك أن تصلي الصلوات ؟
Some scholars argue about al Qiro'ah to an 'alim with the hadith of Dhimam ibn Tsa'labah who said to the Prophet : "Did Allah command you to establish prayer? Rasulullah replied: "Yes"
قال : « نعم» . قال : فهـذه قراءة على النبي ﷺ ، أخبر ضمام قومه بذلك فأجازوه
They said: So this is a form of qiro'ah (Dhimam) to the Prophet , then Dhimam told his people about it and they allowed it.
واحتج مالك بالصك يقرأ على القوم ، فيقولون : أشهدنا فلان ، ويقرأ ذلك قراءة عليهم ، ويقـرأ على المقرئ فيقول القارئ : أقرأني فلان .
While Imam Malik hujjah with ash Shokk (a book) which was read to the people then they all said: "So and so has come in our midst". And the book was read to them, and it was read to al muqri (a person who used to read the book) then the qori '(reader) said: أقرأني فلان
حدثنا محمد بن سلام: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الواسطي ، عن عوف ، عن الحسن قال : لا بأس بالقراءة على العالم .
From Hasan (al Basri) he said: "There is nothing wrong with reciting knowledge to the 'alim'.
وحدثنا عبيدالله بن موسى ، عن سفيان ، قال : إذا قرىٔ على المحدث فلا بأس أن يقول : حدثني .
From Sufyan he said: "If it is recited to an ahlul hadith, then there is nothing wrong with saying: "Haddatsani"
Notes:قال : وسمعت أبا عاصم يقول عـن مـالك وسفيان : القراءة على العالم وقراءته سواء.
From Imam Malik and Sufyan (ats Thauri): Reading knowledge to the 'alim or the 'alim's reading himself is the same.[2]
[1] 'Ardhul qiro'ah is a student reading the hadith of the teacher either through recitation or book (nuskhoh) then the teacher listens to it.
[2] This is the opinion of some 'ulama who state that it is the same between listening to the 'alim or reading to the 'alim. Another opinion says that tahdits ('alim who convey hadith) is higher than al qiro'ah. Wallahu a'lam.
حدثنا عبدالله بن يوسف قال : حدثنا الليث ، عن سعيد ، هو المقبري ، عن شريك بن عبدالله بـن أبـي نمر: أنّه سمع أنس بن مالك : يقول بينما نحن جلوس مع المسجد ، دخل رجل على جمل ، فأناخه المسجد ثم عقله ، ثم قال لهم : أيكم محمد؟ والنّبي متکى بين ظهرانيهم ، فقلنا : هذا الرجل الأبيض المتكئ .فقال له الرجل: ابن عبدالمطلب ؟
Anas bin Malik said: "While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came in riding a camel. Then he tethered his camel outside the mosque and tied it up and he said to the companions of the Prophet: "Which of you is named Muhammad?"
فقال له : « قد أجبتك» .
فقال الرجل للنبي ﷺ : إني سائلك فمشدد عليك في المسألة، فلا تجد علي في نفسك .
فقال: «سل عما بدا لك . فقال : أسألك بربك ورب من قبلك ، الله أرسلك إلى الناس كلهم ؟ فقال: اللهم نعم
قال : أنشدك بالله ، الله أمرك أن تصلي الصلوات الخمس في اليوم والليلة ؟ قال : اللهم نعم
قال : أنشدك بالله ، الله أمرك أن تصوم هذا الشهر من السنة ؟ قال : اللهم نعم
قال : أنشدك بالله ، الله أمرك أن تأخذ هذه الصدقة من أغنياتنـا فتقسمها على فقرائنا ؟ فقال النبي ﷺ : اللهم نعم
فقال الرجل: آمنت بما جئت به ، وأنا رسول من ورائي من قومي ، وأنا ضمام بن ثعلبة ، أخو بني سعد بن بكر
ورواه موسى وعلي بن عبدالحميد ، عن سليمان عن ثابت ، عن أنس ، عن النبي ﷺ بهذا
أخرجه مسلم: ۱٢
While the Prophet was reclining in the midst of his companions. So we said: "Here, the white man lying on his back".
So he asked the Messenger of Allah : "Ibn 'Abdil Muthallib?"
So the Prophet replied: "I heard you (i.e., it is true)".
Then the man said to the Prophet : "Indeed I will ask you and emphasize the matter to you, so do not scold me."
Then the Prophet said: "Please ask what you see."
The man said: "I ask you in the name of your Lord and the Lord of those before you. Did Allah send you to all mankind?"
The Prophet replied: "Allahumma. Yes, it is true"
Then the man asked again: "I ask you in the name of Allah. Did Allah command you to pray five times a day and night?"
The Prophet replied: ""Allahumma, Right"
Then the man asked again: "Did Allah command you to fast this month (Ramadan) every year?"
The Prophet replied, "Allahumma, true."
Then the man asked, "I ask you in the name of Allah. Did Allah command you that you take alms from the rich among us and then distribute it to the poor among us?"
The Prophet replied, "Allahumma, true."
So the man said, "I believe in what you bring. Meanwhile, I am the messenger of the people behind me from my people. I am Dhimam bin Tsalabah, brother of the children of Sa'ad bin Bakr.
+ It is permissible to read knowledge to the scholars.+ Allowed to ride a vehicle.
+ It is permissible to chat in the mosque in useful matters.
+ Tawakkal to Allah does not deny effort. This is shown from the actions of Dhimam bin Tha'labah who tied his camel before meeting the Messenger of Allah. This hadith also refutes the Sufi opinion (tasawwuf) which says that perfect tawakkal is without effort.
+ The harsh and rigid character of the mountain Arabs is shown by Dhimam who when looking for the Prophet only mentions his name. Whereas Allah forbids Muslims to call the Messenger of Allah as he calls some Muslims to others.
+ The ability of a leader to lean in the midst of his people as exemplified by the Prophet.
+ The humility of Rasulullah with his people and mingle with all of them.
+ One of the characteristics of the Prophet is a white man. In another narration mentioned reddish white.
+ It is permissible to attribute oneself to grandfather from Dhimam's question to the Prophet: "Is the son of Abdul Muthallib (his grandfather)?".
+ When asked this question, the Prophet replied with the words « أجبتك» "I hear you" because Dhimam's actions were not in accordance with the glory of the Prophet and as a form of teaching him that his actions were not right.
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