Chapter 4 Sayings of a Muhaddits (When Bringing Hadith): Haddatsana, Akhbarona or Anba'ana

(From the audio recording of the study of the book of Sahih Bukhari by the presenter al Ustadz Muhammad Afifuddin hafizhahullah)
وقال لنا الحميدي : كان عند ابن عيينة حدثنا وأخبرنا وأنبأنا وسمعت واحدا
And said to us al Humaidi: "In the past, Ibn Uyainah thought that the words haddatsana, akhbarona, anba'ana, and sami'tu had the same meaning.
وقال ابن مسعود : حدثنا رسول اللہ ﷺ وهو الصادق المصدوق .
Ibn Mas'ud said: "He has told us the Messenger of Allah and he is an honest and justified person."
وقال شقيق: عن عبدالله : سمعت النبي ﷺ كلمة.
From Abdullah (bin Mas'ud): "I heard the Prophet a sentence"
وقال حذيفة : حدثنا رسول اللہ ﷺ حديثين
Hudzaifah said: "The Messenger of Allah has told us two hadiths"
وقال أبو العالية : عن ابن عباس ، عن النبي فيما يروي عن ربه
From Ibn Abbas, from the Prophet in what he narrated from his Lord
وقال أنس : عن النبي ﷺ : يرويه عن ربه عز وجل.
Anas (bin Malik) said: "From the Prophet he narrated it from his Lord 'azza wa jalla"
وقال أبو هريرة : عن النبي ﷺ : يرويه عن ربكـم عـز وجل
Abu Hurairah said: "From the Prophet , he narrated it from your Lord azza wa jalla."
+ This chapter shows a sign that Imam Bukhari built this book based on the narrations with the sanad to the Messenger of Allah+ Knowledge of the sanad is part of the religion and the privilege of Islam
+ Imam Bukhari's opinion that haddatsana (had told us), akhbarona (had told us), anba'ana (had told us), and sami'tu (I have heard) are one meaning[1]
[1] If the narrator is the companions of the Prophet, then the words haddatsana, akhbarona, anba'ana, and sami'tu have the same meaning. However, if the one who says is other than the companions of the Prophet, then there is a difference in meaning. Sami'tu and haddatsana have similar meanings used when a narrator listens to the hadith directly from his teacher. The akhbarona and anba'ana are usually used by scholars in the ijazah chapter (one does not listen to the hadith directly from the teacher. However, the teacher gives an ijazah where he is allowed to narrate from books or his teacher's history even though he does not hear directly from his teacher)
Note:٦١- حدثنا قتيبة بن سعيد : حدثنا إسماعيل بن جعفر ،عن عبدالله بن دينار ، عن ابن عمر قال : قال رسول الله: « إن من الشجر شجرة لا يسقط ورقها ، وإنها مثل المسلم ، فحدثوني ما هي» . فوقع الناس في شجر البوادي ، قال عبدالله : ووقع في نفسي أنّها النّخلة فاستحييت ، ثم قالوا حدثنا ما هي يا رسول الله ؟ قال :هـي النّخلة
أخرجه مسلم: ۲۸۱١
From Ibn 'Umar (Abdullah) he said: The Messenger of Allah said: "Indeed, of the many trees that exist, there is a tree whose leaves never fall. And indeed this tree is an example for a Muslim. Try to tell me what tree it is ?"
So at that time the friends thought of the trees in the desert valley.
Abdullah bin Umar said: "It occurred to me that the tree in question was a date tree, but I was shied to answer it"[2]
Then the companions said: "Tell us what tree it is, O Messenger of Allah."
He replied: "The tree is a date palm."
[2] In a narration it is stated that Abdullah bin Umar was shied because he was the youngest among those present, even when there were also Abu Bakr ash Siddiq and 'Umar bin Khattab radhiyallahu 'anhum ajma'in.
+ The conformity of this hadith with the chapter is from the sentence:(قال : قال رسول الله)
+ It is permissible for a teacher to give scientific questions/riddles to his students.
+ The parable of the blessing of a Muslim (who actually practices Islam) is like the date palm tree, because it has blessings in every situation.
+ Encouraging students of knowledge in seeking and understanding knowledge (from the sentence: فحدثوني ما هي)
+ It is recommended to have shy as long as it doesn't get to the level of avoiding a benefit
+ The ability to make parables to add to the understanding of students of knowledge
+ Equating something with others doesn't have to be on all sides
+ Respect old people and people who are higher in knowledge
+ The suggestion to put parents first to start the conversation even though you think your own words are more correct
+ A great scholar sometimes miss from some scientific problems that are understood by people who are far below their scientific level
+ No one knows the whole knowledge of the Shari'a
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